Uses of Class

Packages that use User

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.event

Methods in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.event that return User
 User ContractAccepted.getUser()
 User ContractDeclined.getUser()

Constructors in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.event with parameters of type User
ContractAccepted(Contract contract, User user)
ContractDeclined(Contract contract, User user)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.flow.assessment

Methods in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.flow.assessment that return User
 User AssessmentDescriptor.getSupplier()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.flow.assessment with parameters of type User
 void AssessmentDescriptor.setSupplier(User supplier)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> DAOContractReader.getAllAcceptedUsers(Contract contract)
          Returns all the users of the contract.
 Collection<User> ContractReader.getAllAcceptedUsers(Contract contract)
          Returns all the users of the contract.
 Collection<User> ContractInformant.getCreditors(Contract contract)
          Returns list if contract's participants with positive balance.
 Collection<User> DefaultContractInformant.getCreditors(Contract contract)
          Returns list if contract's participants with positive balance.
 Set<User> ContractInformant.getEffectiveSuppliers(Contract contract)
          Returns effective users of the specified contract.
 Set<User> DefaultContractInformant.getEffectiveSuppliers(Contract contract)
          Returns effective users of the specified contract.

Methods in with parameters of type User
 SlicingDataSet<Contract> DAOContractReader.getAvailableContracts(SortDescriptor sortDescriptor, ContractFilter filter, User viewer)
          Returns data set with available contracts.
 SlicingDataSet<Contract> ContractReader.getAvailableContracts(SortDescriptor sortDescriptor, ContractFilter filter, User viewer)
          Returns data set with available contracts.
 long DAOContractReader.getUserContractsNumber(User user)
          Returns the number of contracts where the specified user is a participant.
 long ContractReader.getUserContractsNumber(User user)
          Returns the number of contracts where the specified user is a participant.
 BigDecimal ContractInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Contract contract, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified contract.
 BigDecimal DefaultContractInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Contract contract, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified contract.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> ContractFilter.getExcludedParticipants()
 Collection<User> ContractFilter.getIncludedParticipants()

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type User
ContractFilter(String searchQuery, Collection<User> includedParticipants, Collection<User> excludedParticipants)
ContractFilter(String searchQuery, Collection<User> includedParticipants, Collection<User> excludedParticipants)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.write

Methods in org.zeroexchange.collaboration.contract.write with parameters of type User
 Contract ContractWriter.accept(User user, Contract contract)
 Contract DAOContractWriter.accept(User user, Contract contract)
 Contract ContractWriter.addViewer(Contract contract, User viewer)
          Marks that contract was viewed by the specified viewer.
 Contract DAOContractWriter.addViewer(Contract contract, User viewer)
          Marks that contract was viewed by the specified viewer.
 void ContractWriter.markUserEffective(Integer contractId, User tenderOwner)
          Marks specified user as effective.
 void DAOContractWriter.markUserEffective(Integer contractId, User tenderOwner)
          Marks specified user as effective.
 void ContractWriter.markUserIneffective(Integer contractId, User tenderOwner)
          Marks specified user as ineffective.
 void DAOContractWriter.markUserIneffective(Integer contractId, User tenderOwner)
          Marks specified user as ineffective.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.dao.collaboration

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.collaboration that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> ContractDAO.getAllAcceptedContractUsers(Integer contractId)
          Returns all accepted contract users.
 Collection<User> ContractDAOImpl.getAllAcceptedContractUsers(Integer contractId)
          Returns all accepted contract users.
 Collection<User> ContractDAO.getUsers(Integer contractId)
          Returns all users which resources are registered in the contract.
 Collection<User> ContractDAOImpl.getUsers(Integer contractId)
          Returns all users which resources are registered in the contract.

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.collaboration with parameters of type User
 ProcessorAwareDataSet<Contract> ContractDAO.getAvailableContracts(User viewer)
          Returns data set for iteration through the available contract.
 ProcessorAwareDataSet<Contract> ContractDAOImpl.getAvailableContracts(User viewer)
          Returns data set for iteration through the available contract.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.dao.mcredit

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.mcredit with parameters of type User
 CreditLine CreditLineDAOImpl.getCreditLine(User creditor, User debtor)
          Returns credit line between specified users.
 CreditLine CreditLineDAO.getCreditLine(User creditor, User debtor)
          Returns credit line between specified users.
 SlicingDataSet<CreditLine> CreditLineDAOImpl.getCreditorLines(User creditor)
          Returns credit lines for the specified creditor.
 SlicingDataSet<CreditLine> CreditLineDAO.getCreditorLines(User creditor)
          Returns credit lines for the specified creditor.
 SlicingDataSet<CreditLine> CreditLineDAOImpl.getDebtorLines(User debtor)
          Returns credit lines for the specified debtor.
 SlicingDataSet<CreditLine> CreditLineDAO.getDebtorLines(User debtor)
          Returns credit lines for the specified debtor.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.dao.resource

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.resource with parameters of type User
 Long ResourceTenderDAO.getTotalTenders(Resource resource, User excludedUser)
 Long ResourceTenderDAOImpl.getTotalTenders(Resource resource, User excludedUser)
 Long ResourceTenderDAO.getVisitedTendersCount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns number of unvisited tenders.
 Long ResourceTenderDAOImpl.getVisitedTendersCount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns number of unvisited tenders.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.dao.skill

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.skill with parameters of type User
 SlicingDataSet<Skill> SkillDAO.getSkills(User user)
          Returns the skills for the specified user.
 SlicingDataSet<Skill> SkillDAOImpl.getSkills(User user)
          Returns the skills for the specified user.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.dao.user.reader

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.user.reader that return User
 User UserReaderFactoryImpl.getUser(Integer userId)
          Returns the user by it's name.
 User UserReaderFactory.getUser(Integer userId)
          Returns the user by it's name.

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.user.reader that return types with arguments of type User
 SlicingDataSet<User> UserReaderFactoryImpl.getUsers(String query, User excludedUser)
          Returns users according the query.
 SlicingDataSet<User> UserReaderFactory.getUsers(String query, User excludedUser)
          Returns users according the query.

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.user.reader with parameters of type User
 SlicingDataSet<User> UserReaderFactoryImpl.getUsers(String query, User excludedUser)
          Returns users according the query.
 SlicingDataSet<User> UserReaderFactory.getUsers(String query, User excludedUser)
          Returns users according the query.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.dao.visit

Methods in org.zeroexchange.dao.visit with parameters of type User
<T extends SharedViewable & Identifiable<?>>
VisitDAO.visited(T object, User user)
          Marks object as visited.
<T extends SharedViewable & Identifiable<?>>
VisitDAOImpl.visited(T object, User user)
          Marks object as visited.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.flow.collaboration.step

Methods in org.zeroexchange.flow.collaboration.step that return types with arguments of type User
protected  List<User> ReadyStep.getCollaborators(Contract contract)
          Returns contract's collaborators.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.mcredit

Methods in org.zeroexchange.mcredit that return User
 User CreditPath.getCreditor()
 User CreditPaths.getCreditor()
 User CreditPath.getDebtor()
 User CreditPaths.getDebtor()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.mcredit with parameters of type User
 void CreditPath.setCreditor(User creditor)
 void CreditPaths.setCreditor(User creditor)
 void CreditPath.setDebtor(User debtor)
 void CreditPaths.setDebtor(User debtor)

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
protected  void DefaultCreditPathFinder.find2UsersPaths(User debtor, User creditor, CreditPaths paths, Deque<CreditLine> path)
          Finds paths between two users.
 List<CreditPaths> DefaultCreditPathFinder.findPaths(User debtor, Collection<User> creditors, BigDecimal requiredValue)
          Finds the path from debtor to creditor.
 List<CreditPaths> CreditPathFinder.findPaths(User debtor, Collection<User> creditors, BigDecimal requiredValue)
          Finds the path from debtor to creditor.
 BigDecimal CreditLineReader.getMutualBalance(User user)
          Returns user's mutual credit status.
 BigDecimal DefaultCreditLineReader.getMutualBalance(User user)
          Returns user's mutual credit status.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type User
 List<CreditPaths> DefaultCreditPathFinder.findPaths(User debtor, Collection<User> creditors, BigDecimal requiredValue)
          Finds the path from debtor to creditor.
 List<CreditPaths> CreditPathFinder.findPaths(User debtor, Collection<User> creditors, BigDecimal requiredValue)
          Finds the path from debtor to creditor.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.mcredit.write

Methods in org.zeroexchange.mcredit.write with parameters of type User
 SlicingDataSet<CreditLine> CreditLineWriter.getUserLines(User creditor)
          Returns credit lines for the specified creditor.
 SlicingDataSet<CreditLine> DefaultCreditLineWriter.getUserLines(User creditor)
          Returns credit lines for the specified creditor.
 CreditLine CreditLineWriter.setCreditLine(User creditor, User debtor, BigDecimal value)
          Adds user credit relation.
 CreditLine DefaultCreditLineWriter.setCreditLine(User creditor, User debtor, BigDecimal value)
          Adds user credit relation.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.messaging

Methods in org.zeroexchange.messaging with parameters of type User
protected  org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage DefaultMessageSender.getSimpleMessage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String messageBody)
          Returns simple SimpleMailMessage object filled with the data from the specified event.
protected  void AbstractMessageListener.send(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends the message using the template.
protected  void DefaultMessageSender.sendMailMassage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends email message.
 void DefaultMessageSender.sendMessage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends the message to the user specified by recipientNickname.
 void MessageSender.sendMessage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends the message to the user specified by recipientNickname.
protected  void DefaultMessageSender.sendPrivateMassage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends 'private' message.
protected  void AbstractMessageListener.sendTemplate(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, Map<String,Object> parameters)
          Sends the message using the template.
protected  void AbstractMessageListener.sendTemplate(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String templatePath, Map<String,Object> foreignParameters)
          Sends the message using the template.

Method parameters in org.zeroexchange.messaging with type arguments of type User
protected  org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage DefaultMessageSender.getSimpleMessage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String messageBody)
          Returns simple SimpleMailMessage object filled with the data from the specified event.
protected  void AbstractMessageListener.send(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends the message using the template.
protected  void DefaultMessageSender.sendMailMassage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends email message.
 void DefaultMessageSender.sendMessage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends the message to the user specified by recipientNickname.
 void MessageSender.sendMessage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends the message to the user specified by recipientNickname.
protected  void DefaultMessageSender.sendPrivateMassage(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String body)
          Sends 'private' message.
protected  void AbstractMessageListener.sendTemplate(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, Map<String,Object> parameters)
          Sends the message using the template.
protected  void AbstractMessageListener.sendTemplate(Collection<User> recipients, User sender, String subject, String templatePath, Map<String,Object> foreignParameters)
          Sends the message using the template.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.messaging.event

Methods in org.zeroexchange.messaging.event that return User
 User PrivateMessageSent.getSender()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.messaging.event that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> PrivateMessageSent.getRecipients()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.messaging.event with parameters of type User
 void PrivateMessageSent.setSender(User sender)

Method parameters in org.zeroexchange.messaging.event with type arguments of type User
 void PrivateMessageSent.setRecipients(Collection<User> recipients)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model that return types with arguments of type User
 Set<User> SharedViewable.getViewers()
          Returns viewers collection.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model.collaboration

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.collaboration that return User
 User Invitation.getInvitee()
 User Invitation.getInviter()
 User Contract.getOwner()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.collaboration that return types with arguments of type User
 Set<User> Contract.getAcceptors()
 Set<User> Contract.getEffectiveUsers()
 Set<User> Contract.getViewers()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.collaboration with parameters of type User
 void Invitation.setInvitee(User invitee)
 void Invitation.setInviter(User inviter)
 void Contract.setOwner(User owner)

Method parameters in org.zeroexchange.model.collaboration with type arguments of type User
 void Contract.setAcceptors(Set<User> acceptors)
 void Contract.setEffectiveUsers(Set<User> effectiveUsers)
 void Contract.setViewers(Set<User> viewers)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model.mcredit

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.mcredit that return User
 User CreditLine.getCreditor()
 User CreditLine.getDebtor()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.mcredit with parameters of type User
 void CreditLine.setCreditor(User creditor)
 void CreditLine.setDebtor(User debtor)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model.message

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.message that return User
 User Message.getRecipient()
 User UserMessage.getSender()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.message with parameters of type User
 void Message.setRecipient(User recipient)
 void UserMessage.setSender(User sender)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model.resource

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource that return User
 User Resource.getOwner()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource that return types with arguments of type User
 Set<User> Resource.getViewers()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource with parameters of type User
 void Resource.setOwner(User owner)

Method parameters in org.zeroexchange.model.resource with type arguments of type User
 void Resource.setViewers(Set<User> viewers)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User CHECreditStatus.getUser()

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void CHECreditStatus.setUser(User user)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant that return User
 User ResourceTender.getUser()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant that return types with arguments of type User
 Set<User> Supply.getViewers()
 Set<User> Need.getViewers()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant with parameters of type User
 void ResourceTender.setUser(User user)

Method parameters in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant with type arguments of type User
 void Supply.setViewers(Set<User> viewers)
 void Need.setViewers(Set<User> viewers)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model.user

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.user that return User
 User Credential.getUser()
 User Skill.getUser()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.user with parameters of type User
 void Credential.setUser(User user)
 void Skill.setUser(User user)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.model.user.assessment

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.user.assessment that return User
 User Assessment.getEvaluable()
 User Assessment.getValuer()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.user.assessment with parameters of type User
 void Assessment.setEvaluable(User evaluable)
 void Assessment.setValuer(User valuer)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User PayerData.getPayer()

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void MoneyManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 void DefaultMoneyManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Returns maximum allowed debt for user in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns maximum allowed debt for user in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal hourRate, ZECurrency currency, User currentUser)
          Returns price of the hour according the specified rate.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal rate, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns price of the hour according the specified rate.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hoursPrice, ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Returns the hour rate.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hoursPrice, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns the hour rate.
 boolean MoneyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency che, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 boolean DefaultMoneyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 void MoneyManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.
 void DefaultMoneyManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type User
 void MoneyManager.performAutoMovement(Collection<PayerData> payersData, Collection<User> consumers)
          Performs money movement.
 void DefaultMoneyManager.performAutoMovement(Collection<PayerData> payersData, Collection<User> consumers)
          Performs money movement.

Constructors in with parameters of type User
PayerData(User payer, BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currency)

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void CurrencyManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns maximal value of user's allowed debt.
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal rate, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 BigDecimal AbstractCurrencyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal rate, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hourPrice, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 BigDecimal AbstractCurrencyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hourPrice, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 boolean CurrencyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 boolean AbstractCurrencyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 void CurrencyManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.
 void CurrencyManager.writeOn(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User consumer)
          Writes on amount of money in the specified currency.

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void CHECreditManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal CHECreditManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns maximal value of user's allowed debt.
 BigDecimal CHECreditManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
protected  BigDecimal CHECreditManager.getPaymentsSum(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns payments sum value.
 void CHECreditManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.
 void CHECreditManager.writeOn(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User consumer)
          Writes on amount of money in the specified currency.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.representation

Methods in org.zeroexchange.representation with parameters of type User
 String UserRepresentation.getRepresentation(User user, int limit)
          Returns string representation of the specified entity.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.resource.event

Methods in org.zeroexchange.resource.event that return User
 User ResourceProvided.getEvaluator()

Constructors in org.zeroexchange.resource.event with parameters of type User
ResourceProvided(User evaluator, AssessmentDescriptor assessment)

Uses of User in

Methods in with parameters of type User
 BigDecimal DefaultResourceInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Resource resource, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified resource.
 BigDecimal ResourceInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Resource resource, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified resource.
 boolean DefaultResourceInformant.hasConsumers(Resource resource, User excludedUser)
          Returns true if the resource has at least one consumer.
 boolean ResourceInformant.hasConsumers(Resource resource, User excludedUser)
          Returns true if the resource has at least one consumer.
 boolean DefaultResourceInformant.hasSuppliers(Resource resource, User excludedUser)
          Returns true if the resource has at least one supplier.
 boolean ResourceInformant.hasSuppliers(Resource resource, User excludedUser)
          Returns true if the resource has at least one supplier.
 boolean ResourceReader.isUserInRole(Resource resource, TenderType role, User flowUser)
 boolean DAOResourceReader.isUserInRole(Resource resource, TenderType role, User flowUser)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.resource.reconciliation

Methods in org.zeroexchange.resource.reconciliation with parameters of type User
 void Reconciliator.reconcile(Resource resource, User consumer)
          Writes off the cost amount of the unsupplied resource from the supplier and writes off that amount to the consumers.
 void DefaultReconciliator.reconcile(Resource resource, User consumer)
          Writes off the cost amount of the unsupplied resource from the supplier and writes off that amount to the consumers.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.resource.reputation

Methods in org.zeroexchange.resource.reputation with parameters of type User
 void DefaultResourceAssessor.confirmResourceProvided(Resource resource, User evaluator, String assessmentType, BigDecimal businessQuality, String businessQualityComment)
          Is called when user confirms that resource is provided.
 void ResourceAssessor.confirmResourceProvided(Resource resource, User evaluator, String assessmentType, BigDecimal businessQuality, String businessQualityComment)
          Is called when user confirms that resource is provided.
 BigDecimal DefaultReputationReader.getUserReliability(User user)
 BigDecimal ReputationReader.getUserReliability(User user)
          Returns user reliability
 BigDecimal DefaultReputationReader.getUserReputation(User user)
          Returns the reputation level of the of the current user.
 BigDecimal ReputationReader.getUserReputation(User user)
          Returns the reputation level of the of the current user.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.resource.stock

Methods in org.zeroexchange.resource.stock with parameters of type User
 BigDecimal ResourceStockManager.getAmount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns resource category.
 BigDecimal ServiceStockManager.getAmount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns resource category.
 BigDecimal LocalCurrencyStockManager.getAmount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns resource category.
 BigDecimal GoodStockManager.getAmount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns resource category.
 BigDecimal StockManager.getUserAvailableAmount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns resource category.
 BigDecimal DefaultStockManager.getUserAvailableAmount(Resource resource, User user)
          Returns resource category.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.resource.tender

Methods in org.zeroexchange.resource.tender with parameters of type User
 ResourceTender TenderWriter.addViewer(ResourceTender tender, User viewer)
          Marks that contract was viewed by the specified viewer.
 ResourceTender DAOTenderWriter.addViewer(ResourceTender tender, User viewer)
          Marks that contract was viewed by the specified viewer.
 long TenderVisitService.getNewTendersCount(User user, Resource resource, TenderType tenderType)
          Returns true if all resource tenders aere visited.
 long DefaultTenderVisitService.getNewTendersCount(User user, Resource resource, TenderType tenderType)
          Returns true if all resource tenders aere visited.
 long TenderVisitService.getTendersCount(User user, Resource resource, TenderType need)
          Returns amount of the tenders that are not belong to the specified user.
 long DefaultTenderVisitService.getTendersCount(User user, Resource resource, TenderType tenderType)
          Returns amount of the tenders that are not belong to the specified user.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User AuthorizedUserService.getCurrentUser()
          Returns the logged user.
 User SSAuthorizedUserService.getCurrentUser()
          Returns the logged user.
 User ZEUserDetails.getUser()

Constructors in with parameters of type User
ZEUserDetails(Collection<> authorities, User user, Credential loggedCredential)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.user.create

Methods in org.zeroexchange.user.create that return User
 User SimpleUserFactory.createNewUser()
          Creates the new user and initialized it with the default values.
 User UserFactory.createNewUser()
          Creates the new user and initialized it with the default values.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.user.event

Methods in org.zeroexchange.user.event that return User
 User UserRegistered.getUser()
 User UserLogged.getUser()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.user.event that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> UsersInvited.getUsers()

Constructors in org.zeroexchange.user.event with parameters of type User
UserLogged(User user)
UserRegistered(User user)

Constructor parameters in org.zeroexchange.user.event with type arguments of type User
UsersInvited(Contract contract, List<User> invitedUsers)

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.user.skill

Methods in org.zeroexchange.user.skill with parameters of type User
 SlicingDataSet<Skill> SkillsReader.getSkills(User user)
          Returns the skills for the specified user.
 SlicingDataSet<Skill> DefaultSkillsReader.getSkills(User user)
          Returns the skills for the specified user.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.user.write

Methods in org.zeroexchange.user.write that return User
 User DAOUserWriter.createUser(User user, Credential initialCredential)
          Adds new user to the database.
 User UserWriter.createUser(User user, Credential initialCredential)
          Adds new user to the database.

Methods in org.zeroexchange.user.write with parameters of type User
 User DAOUserWriter.createUser(User user, Credential initialCredential)
          Adds new user to the database.
 User UserWriter.createUser(User user, Credential initialCredential)
          Adds new user to the database.
 void DAOUserWriter.updateUser(User user)
          Updates the specified user in database.
 void UserWriter.updateUser(User user)
          Updates the specified user in database.

Uses of User in org.zeroexchange.web.components.user

Method parameters in org.zeroexchange.web.components.user with type arguments of type User
 void UserSelectionListener.usersSelected(Collection<User> users)
          Is called when user is selected.

Constructor parameters in org.zeroexchange.web.components.user with type arguments of type User
UserSelectionPanel(String id, UserSelectionListener userSelectionListener, FilteringSortableDataProvider<User,String> usersDataProvider)

Uses of User in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 Collection<User> CreateMessage.MessageData.getRecipients()

Method parameters in with type arguments of type User
 void CreateMessage.MessageData.setRecipients(Collection<User> recipients)

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