Uses of Class

Packages that use ZECurrency   

Uses of ZECurrency in

Methods in with parameters of type ZECurrency
 BigDecimal ContractInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Contract contract, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified contract.
 BigDecimal DefaultContractInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Contract contract, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified contract.

Uses of ZECurrency in

Methods in that return ZECurrency
 ZECurrency MoneyResource.getCurrency()
static ZECurrency ZECurrency.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ZECurrency[] ZECurrency.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in with parameters of type ZECurrency
 void MoneyResource.setCurrency(ZECurrency currency)

Uses of ZECurrency in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant that return ZECurrency
 ZECurrency Supply.getCurrency()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.model.resource.participant with parameters of type ZECurrency
 void Supply.setCurrency(ZECurrency currency)

Uses of ZECurrency in

Methods in that return ZECurrency
 ZECurrency PayerData.getCurrency()
 ZECurrency MoneyManager.getDefaultCurrency()
          Returns default currency.
 ZECurrency DefaultMoneyManager.getDefaultCurrency()
          Returns default currency.

Methods in with parameters of type ZECurrency
 void MoneyManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 void DefaultMoneyManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Returns maximum allowed debt for user in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns maximum allowed debt for user in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
protected  CurrencyManager DefaultMoneyManager.getCurrencyManager(ZECurrency currencyCode)
          Returns currency manager by the currency code.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal hourRate, ZECurrency currency, User currentUser)
          Returns price of the hour according the specified rate.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal rate, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns price of the hour according the specified rate.
 BigDecimal MoneyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hoursPrice, ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Returns the hour rate.
 BigDecimal DefaultMoneyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hoursPrice, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns the hour rate.
 boolean MoneyManager.isAutoMovementEnabled(ZECurrency currency)
          Returns true if the money movement is enabled for the specified currency.
 boolean DefaultMoneyManager.isAutoMovementEnabled(ZECurrency currencyCode)
          Returns true if the money movement is enabled for the specified currency.
 boolean MoneyManager.isCurrencyManagetExists(ZECurrency currency)
          Returns true if the currency manager exists.
 boolean DefaultMoneyManager.isCurrencyManagetExists(ZECurrency currencyCode)
          Returns true if the currency manager exists.
 boolean MoneyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency che, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 boolean DefaultMoneyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 void MoneyManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currency, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.
 void DefaultMoneyManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.
 void DefaultMoneyManager.setDefaultCurrency(ZECurrency defaultCurrency)

Constructors in with parameters of type ZECurrency
PayerData(User payer, BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currency)

Uses of ZECurrency in

Methods in with parameters of type ZECurrency
 void CurrencyManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns maximal value of user's allowed debt.
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal rate, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 BigDecimal AbstractCurrencyManager.getHourPrice(BigDecimal rate, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 BigDecimal CurrencyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hourPrice, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 BigDecimal AbstractCurrencyManager.getHourRate(BigDecimal hourPrice, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
 boolean CurrencyManager.isMoneyMovementEnabled(ZECurrency currencyCode)
          Returns true if the money movement is enabled.
 boolean CurrencyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 boolean AbstractCurrencyManager.isOutlayAllowed(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user, BigDecimal amount)
          Returns true if user is allowed outlay of the specified amount.
 void CurrencyManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.
 void CurrencyManager.writeOn(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User consumer)
          Writes on amount of money in the specified currency.

Uses of ZECurrency in

Methods in with parameters of type ZECurrency
 void CHECreditManager.freeAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Frees amount of money in the specified currency.
 BigDecimal CHECreditManager.getAllowedDebt(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns maximal value of user's allowed debt.
 BigDecimal CHECreditManager.getAvailableAmount(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns available amount of the specified current user for the specified code.
protected  BigDecimal CHECreditManager.getPaymentsSum(ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Returns payments sum value.
 boolean CHECreditManager.isMoneyMovementEnabled(ZECurrency currencyCode)
          Returns true if the money movement is enabled.
 void CHECreditManager.reserveAmount(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User user)
          Reserves amount of money in the specified currency.
 void CHECreditManager.writeOn(BigDecimal amount, ZECurrency currencyCode, User consumer)
          Writes on amount of money in the specified currency.

Uses of ZECurrency in

Methods in with parameters of type ZECurrency
 BigDecimal DefaultResourceInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Resource resource, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified resource.
 BigDecimal ResourceInformant.getUserContributionPrice(Resource resource, User user, ZECurrency currency)
          Returns value of the contribution made by the specified user into the specified resource.

Uses of ZECurrency in org.zeroexchange.web.components.resource.action.edit

Methods in org.zeroexchange.web.components.resource.action.edit that return ZECurrency
 ZECurrency MoneyFormData.getMoneyCurrency()

Methods in org.zeroexchange.web.components.resource.action.edit with parameters of type ZECurrency
 void MoneyFormData.setMoneyCurrency(ZECurrency moneyCurrency)

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