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Appendix B. Development Environment Setup


Assume you already have the following software installed and configured:

Checkout and build

Checkout the project from the svn:

    svn co https://zeroexchange.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/zeroexchange/trunk ./zeroexchange-trunk

Then go 'zeroexchange-trunk' subfolder and build project using 'mvn clean install' command:

    $ mvn clean install
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Reactor Summary:
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Project .............................. SUCCESS [1.037s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Documentation Module ................. SUCCESS [0.026s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Conception Document Module ........... SUCCESS [0.008s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Conception Document Module [en] ...... SUCCESS [0.032s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Conception Document Module [ru] ...... SUCCESS [0.007s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Specification Document Module ........ SUCCESS [0.008s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Common Module ........................ SUCCESS [2.245s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Model Module ......................... SUCCESS [1.652s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange DAO Module ........................... SUCCESS [1.232s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Core Module .......................... SUCCESS [2.015s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange UI Module ............................ SUCCESS [2.805s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Web Module ........................... SUCCESS [8.248s]
    [INFO] ZeroExchange Assembly Module ...................... SUCCESS [6.048s]
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 25.905s
    [INFO] Finished at: Wed Aug 17 23:24:08 MSD 2011
    [INFO] Final Memory: 10M/82M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Importing project into Eclipse

Open eclipse, import the maven projects from the root folder (File/Import..., then Maven\Existing maven projects):

You might need to install m2e-wtp integration module as well:

After the import your workspace could look like that:

Creating Tomcat Runtime

Create the new tomcat runtime in order to debug solution from within eclipse. Go to the 'Servers' view and add the new server.

Then add 'zeroexchange-web' projects to the 'Configured' list:

Executing Tomcat

That's all! Execute the tomcat from within eclipse and if will see something similar to the following in your Console view:

...then environment configuration is succesfully complete, Congratulations!